Top 3 Things Basketball Scouts Want You To Know

Public Service Announcement! We got feedback from our expert scouts for your benefit. Find out their top 3 pieces of scouting wisdom below:

1. Ask For Feedback

This might seem simple, but we have to say it. This basic thing is so often overlooked! Here’s the deal - scouts are watching you play. Scouts are watching other players play on national and regional levels. Scouts are constantly sharing feedback about their observations. Scouts are constantly being asked for feedback by recruiters and coaches. So this is the trick - ask scouts for advice. Ask scouts if there is anything they have noticed could use improvement, extra attention, or skill strengthening. It is very literally the job of a scout to watch season after season to observe if players are getting better, showing more potential, and resonating as memorable top-tier talent. They also take note of who is active and engaged in improving their game - so a simple question to a scout could go a long way (especially if you actually listen to them and take their advice)!

2. Trust Experts

There are many parents and players who have been through the recruitment process - with varying degrees of success. Scouts want you to realize that having been through the process once or twice does not make them an absolute authority on the topic. Here is an example: your neighbor Susan might have stories and anecdotes regarding her own experiences with scouting, recruiting, and travel ball with her kids, but that is not expertise. Experts have been doing this for years and years, and have oftentimes been through the process of being recruited themselves. Sure, Susan may have successfully helped her kid get a scholarship somewhere, but that truthfully pales in comparison to scouts and recruiters who do have been living and breathing this every single day, every single year. Take for example our team here at The Players Circle - we’ve had first-hand experience and success in securing over $60 million in scholarships. We are sure that Susan is a lovely person with many positive qualities, but her experiences with basketball recruiting do not qualify her as an expert. When it comes to heeding advice, it is incredibly valuable to prioritize the advice of experts, including trainers, coaches, and especially recruiters and scouts. When you ask for feedback from a scout, listen carefully to their advice. And be warned that they might cringe if you respond with “Well, my neighbor Susan said…” - you have to ask experts questions and trust expert advice!

3. Your Journey Is Unique 

As mentioned, many have gone through this process. But just because you have a friend, family member, or former teammate who did something a certain way does not mean that you should mirror that exactly. Every player is different - in terms of skills, year over year growth, stats, and more. And every year is a different recruiting climate for colleges and universities. What worked for someone during one year may not make sense for another player to replicate. We advise you not to feel any pressure from what other players have done or are doing. Do what works for you and avoid wasting time on things that don’t fit for you as a player. It is because the recruiting process is so personalized that The Players Circle exists - not only do we provide a platform to interact with scouts, recruiters, and coaches on an individual basis, but players also have the capability to create their own profiles that reflect both them and their game. We are here to help you get noticed by and interact with scouts!

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